vrijdag 23 december 2016


When you are a beautiful soul and carry the power of love deep in your heart, you are a danger for the evil world of darkness. And they will do everything to throw you outside your Spiritual Heart. They will send bullies to you to make your life miserable. They will turn your friends into your enemies. When the evil world is finally successful and you are so deeply hurt and wounded that you cannot live anymore in your Spiritual Heart and you leave your Spiritual Heart and escape into the outside world of fear, depression, the world of parties, the world of drugs and alcohol or you just do not know where to go and you feel terribly alone.

Then your soul, your only true self is at risk. Because outside your spiritual heart, without the protection of your spiritual heart, you are vulnerable for any evil attack.

Because the Power of Love is hidden in the Deepest Center of your Spiritual Heart. No darkness, no evil, no dark spirit, no Angel of Darkness, no Demon, no any other creature of the evil dark world of Lucifer is stronger than the invincible Power of Love.

You are invincible when you are in the center of your Spiritual Heart. Like the King is invincible in his kingdom protected by his army. But the king is weak and vulnerable outside his kingdom without his army. Then the enemy will make a fool of the king and dress him like an idiot and finally after beating him and torturing him they will throw him in their deepest and darkest prisons.

The enemy will always try to drive you outside the center of your Spiritual Heart. When your soul, your truly self, is outside your Spiritual Heart, your Spiritual Heart is empty and open to evil spirits to possess your Spiritual Heart. As soon as the evil world comes into your Spiritual Heart, your dreams will start to change. They will become more dark and more scary. When the evil world takes really over your Spiritual Heart, frightening demons will appear on your dreams. You will start to hear voices. Because the evil world will use your Spiritual Heart to take over control and to turn you into slavery of their evil world. They will command you to hurt yourself, to cut yourself and finally to destroy yourself and commit suicide. They will whisper their evil lies into your soul that nobody loves you and that nobody cares when you just end your life. Nobody will miss you, nobody loves you and nobody even likes you. Everybody hates you.

When these terrible things happen to you, you have to start the war against evil. To survive this evil attack you have only one choice. You have to RECONQUER YOUR SPIRITUAL HEART.  

But how do you do that?  You are like the king outside his kingdom without the protection of his army. Remember then that there is always the power of love. Your Spiritual Heart will always recognize you and will always find you when you want to come back.

Love will become the source of light that will shine upon you when you are lost alone in the darkness of the world. Because love will always recognize love.

The first steps you do to reconquer your Spiritual Heart, your kingdom of love, is to say nice words to the people around you.  Be nice to them. Be kind to them. Love them as a friend. Because love attracts love. Love will find love. Be kind and gentle to animals. When you see a lonely hungry dog, be nice to him and give him something to eat. Give a smile to the lonely ones, give a listening ear to the ones that nobody wants to listen to, be a friend for those who have no friends, give shelter to those who are left outside in the world and have no shelter.

Then your Spiritual Heart will find you in the darkness of the world because the love you just gave to the other becomes visible as a light in the spiritual world. As soon as your Spiritual Heart finds you it will start to protect you and will welcome you to the place where you are really you. Loved and beloved.

You will get a warm feeling just in the middle behind your breast bone. That is the center of your Spiritual Heart and there is where you have to go to. 


The most powerful weapon you have in spiritual warfare is the Power of Love hidden in the Deepest Center of your Spiritual Heart. No darkness, no evil, no dark spirit, no Angel of Darkness, no Demon, no any other creature of the evil dark world of Lucifer is stronger than the invincible Power of Love.

You are invincible if you fight from the center of your Spiritual Heart. Like the King is invincible in his kingdom protected by his army. But the king is weak and vulnerable outside his kingdom without his army. Then the enemy will make a fool of the king and dress him like an idiot and finally after beating him and torturing him the will throw him in their deepest and darkest prisons.

The enemy will always try to drive you outside the center of your Spiritual Heart. 



When you are a leader in the War against Terrorism, a political leader, a military leader or an executive in secret intelligence, you have to understand one rule in this war. NOTHING WILL BE UNSEEN. Everything what you do, what you think, what you plan, what you have done is well known in the spiritual world. Angels of Darkness and Angels of Love (Light) have the ability to look deep into your soul and they know everything about you. Your deepest secrets are well known to them. Your desires, your ambitions, your fears, everything is well known to them and the Angels of Darkness will use this against you and they will always be stronger than you because they are always a few steps ahead. The know your plans, they know your strategy. And with their high intelligence, they will always design better plans and a better strategy. Without any help from the Spiritual World, you will always loose this war.

The only possibility you have to win this war, is when you fight the battle with the help of the Angels of Light. The Angels of Light will only help you when you fight the battle with a true and honest heart. Do not play tricks with them because they can look straight through you. There are no secrets for them. But when you fight against Darkness, they will be on your side.

That is why you have to fight the war against terrorism with a true and honest heart. There is no honesty in bombing houses with families where maybe a few terrorists are hiding. And where mothers and children are burnt alive in the flames of the war. Because millions of people with empty hearts will be possessed and will become the new terrorists. This is how this evil war works. Make the leaders believe that you have to fight Fire with Fire, Hate with Hate, Killing with Killing, Evil with Evil. And then the evil will win. Governments will be destabilized. Chaos will enter the world. And then the evil will take position and bring the world into slavery.

The only way out is to fight the darkness with light. To fight injustice with justice. To fight manipulation with true leadership. To fight hate with true unconditional love.

Giving shelter to refugees will never promote terrorism. It will cause the opposite. And that is why there are now so many attacks on politicians who really want to give help and shelter to the refugees. Because the darkness fears their light. And the darkness will do everything to destroy these leaders. But everyone who turns against these leaders chooses for darkness and they will become part of their evil world. 

woensdag 21 december 2016


The First Rule:
The first rule in Spiritual Warfare is: STAY YOUR GROUND. Stay in the deepest of your Spiritual Heart, the center of who your really are. Keep your ground. Keep your position in the center of your Spiritual Heart, whatever happens, what kind of attack may follow. Do not give up and stay your ground.

The battleground:
In Spiritual Warfare, the battleground will always be your Spiritual Heart. Because your Spiritual Heart is the Doorway to Heaven, the Doorway to Hell and the Doorway to Earth. When you were born, you came to earth trough your Spiritual Heart and when you die you will leave the Earth through your Spiritual Heart. When you are attacked by the Spiritual World of Darkness they will always try to break into your Spiritual Heart to conquer you, to own you and to bring you to their slavery.

During any attack, remember always to withdraw deep into your Spiritual Heart. Because in the center, the middle of your Spiritual Heart you will be save. When you have withdrawn yourself into the center of your Spiritual Heart, then build the wall of immense powerful bright white light around your Spiritual Heart simply by visualization.

The Power of Visualization:
Visualization is a powerful weapon in Spiritual Warfare. Also the enemy will attack you by suggestions and implant visualizations in your mind and make you see things that are not really there. Making you believe that nobody loves you, but that is a lie of the world of darkness.

You can use visualization as a weapon. In your mind, you can think about things and try to remember how they look like. Imagine now the sun. A bright shiny day and the warm sun is shining in full brightness on a beautiful day.  Imagine you are laying on the beach and the sun is shining in full brightness on your body. In the background you hear the waves and you feel nice warm and comfortably. You feel the sun shining on your breast and you feel your Spiritual Heart (just behind your breastbone in the middle) getting warm. Now you imagine that you have a zipper on your chest that you can open and close.

Open that zipper moving from your chin to your bellybutton fully and let the warm nice bright light of the sun shine into your Spiritual Heart. Fill your Spiritual Heart fully with that nice warm bright shining light and every time you breath in, you breath in the air together with that nice warm light and bring it to the center of your Spiritual heart. Fill up your Spiritual Heart fully with that warm nice bright light.

Then let more light come in and build a network of fine threads of pure bright white light around your heart until you have wrapped yourself in completely fully warm bright light and you will feel fully completely save.

Now feel love. Remember the love you felt when you really loved somebody. That love becomes like bright white fresh water in the Spiritual World. Fill your Heart with that bright white fresh water and fill your heart with love. Love your deepest inner self with all the love you can give. You will feel your heart getting warmer and warmer and stronger and stronger.

Stay now in the center of your Spiritual Heart, do not move, do not think and feel fully protected by the beautiful powers of bright light and immense love.

Do not think. Because the evil has access to your mind. They know exactly what you think, but they have no access to your heart. You will become invisible for them and they cannot find you anymore and they will leave you.

Defense of the Spiritual Heart
During Spiritual Warfare never leave your Spiritual Heart. Because your Spiritual Heart is the only save place in Spiritual Warfare. Deep in you Spiritual Heart, in the deepest of your only true self, you will be protected by the shield of love that surrounds your heart, visible in the Spiritual World as an immense bright white light which no darkness can pass. No one can do you any harm when you are in the center and the deepest place in your true heart.

When you are born, you take a lot with you from all the lives that you have lived before you were born. And when you were powerful in your lives before, when you did not bend for evil, evil will find you as soon as you are born. They will attack you in many ways.

The darkness will send his bullies to you and they will cheat on you and make your life miserable.  When they have power over your parents, they will place your parents against you and you will feel alone. When they have power over your friends, they will place your friends against you and you will feel left behind. When they have power over the ones you trusted, the darkness will set the ones you trusted against you and you will you want to leave the world. The possibility of suicide is approaching and suicide will like a dark evil shadow approach you in the middle of the night.

Where can you hide? At the very end, you will see only one exit. “Suicide”. And that is exactly what the evil world of darkness wants. Then they have won and you will be no danger anymore for their world.

When the shadows of suicide approach in the darkest hour of your life, then you have left your Spiritual Heart, already for so long. The evil spirits have already taken over your Spiritual Heart and you will hear their voices… “Kill yourself. Destroy yourself. You are nothing. The world is better off without you. Don’t you see what for a trouble you are?” That is the moment you have almost lost the battle. Now it is all about the last step. And the evil will push you and they will do everything to make you do this. Your death is their victory.

Then remember my words. They attack you because of your power.  You are the lion, they are the snakes, the serpents of evil. You can destroy them all.

Reconquer you Spiritual Heart. Go back into your deepest self. Feel the terrible pain. Feel the terrible loneliness. Go alone through the darkness. Have no mercy with darkness, have no mercy with evil. You are the bright light and as soon as you return in you Spiritual Heart. Your Spiritual Heart will recognize you as soon as you are back. Your Spiritual Heart will light up of joy and welcome you. The sphere of  love around your heart will light up again and the evil false kings, the possessors of evil will be thrown out of your heart. And suddenly you will feel free, you will feel beloved. Because that is the only truth. You are beloved into eternity.

As soon as the lost king has returned, your kingdom will serve only you. But the battlefield is your Spiritual Heart. You have left your own kingdom and before you can enter your kingdom again, you will have to fight as a lion over wolves. They will try to kill you and destroy you. The will make you suffer and they will try to make you afraid. They will use all their evil powers and their dark weapons to destroy you before you reach your kingdom. But you have to be strong. You have to suffer and never give up. Do not give up until you have reached the center of your Spiritual Heart and your Heart recognizes you as his only true master, his king. (See also the parable of the lost son in the Bible: Luke 15:24)

Your Spiritual Heart and you have been like the Father and the Lost son in the parable told by Jesus. The Father will always protect his Son. Like your Spiritual Heart will always protect your Soul. Like the Kingdom will always protect his King.

But the Father can only protect his Son when his Son is around him. But when the Son leaves the Father and goes out to discover the world, the Father cannot protect anymore his Son.

In the same way like your Spiritual Heart can only protect you when you are in your Spiritual Heart. But when you leave your Spiritual Heart and go out to discover the world, the world of intellectualism, the world of alcohol, the world of drugs, the world of career and success, the world of power and control, the financial world or any other world different than you, your Spiritual Heart cannot protect you anymore.

In the same way like the Kingdom can only protect the King when the King is in his Kingdom. But when the King leaves his Kingdom and go out to discover different countries (worlds), the Kingdom cannot protect the King anymore.

When after a long and dangerous journey, where the Son had almost been killed, the Son returns to his Father, the Father will immediately recognize his Son already from far and he will welcome his Son and give his Son all he needs to recover from the suffering and the Son will find back his strength and the Father will protect again his Son with all his power and all his love.

In the same way when you finally return after a long and dangerous journey, where You have almost been killed, You return to your Spiritual Heart, your Spiritual Heart will immediately recognize You already from far and your Spiritual Heart  will welcome your Soul and give your Soul all You need to recover from the suffering and the Only You will find back your strength and your Spiritual Heart will protect You again with all his Power and all His Love in the Spiritual War as a mighty invincible warrior.

In the same way when after a long and dangerous journey, where the King had almost been killed, the King returns to his Kingdom, the Kingdom will immediately recognize his King already from far and the Kingdom will welcome the King and give his King all he needs to recover from the suffering and the King will find back his strength and the Kingdom will protect again his King with all his power and all his strength.

As soon as You return to your Spiritual Heart, the evil intruders, the false kings, the evil possessors will be thrown out of your Spiritual Heart and your Heart will obey only you as his only true master.

(See also the parable of the lost son in the Bible: Luke 15:11-32)

dinsdag 20 december 2016


The spiritual world is comparable with the earth. It’s only a different level of existence and being you, yourself in an unknown environment. Like this world there are in the spiritual world save places and dangerous places. When you go in this world to Syria, you enter a warzone which you probably will not survive.

The same happens in the Spiritual world. You have places where it is save and it feels there like heaven and you have places where it is very dangerous and it feels there like hell. Light is a good compass in the spiritual world.

The bad places are there always dark where you can barely see and the worst places are pitch black and that is HELL. In the HELL extremely dangerous creatures exist with immense power and they can easily destroy your soul. Because HELL is pitch black, you have no orientation, and you cannot find your way out. Words and thoughts are not heard in the spiritual world. But feelings are very well heard. The only way to get out of HELL is by praying. Not praying with your mind. Nobody hears that. But praying deep from your heart like a child. Ask for help deep from your heart like a child. Pray to GOD, pray to the Angels of Love, but pray deep from your heart and be like a child. Then you will be heard and an immense powerful bright white light will appear far from outside HELL. The light will cut through the darkness like a sword. And your soul will be released.

The good places are there always light where you can see beautiful colors and the best places are very bright where it feels like heaven. That is because our feelings are visible in the spiritual world and “Unconditional Love” is an energy in the spiritual world that has many colors but the highest stage of love is extremely bright and intense white. In the spiritual world that bright white light is a power that can break through the darkness of the evil world where the demons and the devils exist.

Like there are good people on earth and bad people, in the same way you have good spirits (beings like humans and angels) and bad spirits (like demons and devils) in the spiritual world. The good people are always shining and radiating in beautiful colors of light. The bad people are always dark and the really bad beings are wearing long pitch black robes and they have no radiation at all. I call them the “Black Angels”. They appear like shadows. Their power is the mind. They speak without words but you know what they are telling you. To catch you and to bring you into their world they tell you lies. Their lies are extremely well done because they are in general highly intelligent. Far more intelligent than human beings and they know all your secrets.

The Black Angels are very different from the Demons. Demons are more like animals. Demons are huge and powerful but a very low intelligence. The Demons are of a lower level than the Black Angels. The “Black Angels” control the demons. Like on earth the humans control the animals .

These things you have to know before you want to open the door to the spiritual world. And these things I want to tell your friend who is thinking about committing suicide.

Nobody comes to earth without a reason. We all here temporary and we all have a mission. The existence of every human being is very important. When it is you time you will be called by family or a friend who already passed away before you. They come to get you because it is very dangerous to travel alone through the “In Between World”. You need a guide to avoid all the danger in the “In Between World”

When you commit suicide, then you die before your time. Nothing is arranged then and you wake up suddenly all alone in the “In Between World”. How do you recognize the lies of the Dark Angels, how do you avoid a confrontation with the immense powers of the Demons. Without a guide, it is a very dangerous trip before you finally reach your destination. That’s why it is better not to commit suicide and wait till somebody will come and get you.

Life on earth is difficult but life in the “In Between World” can be much more difficult and much more dangerous. Because our physical body does not last longer than about hundred years in general. But our “Spiritual Body” (our Soul) last for millions of years and maybe eternal. Being wounded or damaged in the Spiritual world can have immense consequences for the rest of your existence.

This poem is about the danger of the “In Between World” when you commit suicide. A Dark Angel may find you there and tells you all the lies about Guilt and being punished. When you believe him, you will become his slave and you will follow him wherever he wants you to go. He will bring you to darker and darker places far away from the bright light from heaven. You will become his prisoner.

But that is a lie. In the spiritual world, there is totally freedom. There is no guilt and there is no punishment. To understand that, you have to remember the past when you were a child and you were happy. That is the magical forest in the poem. And the happiness you feel will be visible in the spiritual world as a light. And “Black Angels” cannot handle the light and then they will have to let you go.

Entering the spiritual world is not something you do in a few months or in a year. It may take many years or many lifetimes before you are ready to enter that world. And it is very important not to enter that world before you are ready. Because that world is very beautiful but also very dangerous at the same time. You have to be able to see from your heart.

Because only your heart is able to discern good from evil. Only your heart can see the love in the spiritual world as a bright light and the hate as a cloud of intense darkness.

Maybe you are Christian, that makes it easier to refer to text in the Bible. I will refer to some text in the Bible to make it easier to understand. Please read the Bible Passage Matthew 20: 1-16 :


The “Kingdom of God” represents the Spiritual world where we go to when we die. In this Parable Jesus speaks about the “Path of the Heart”. Yes, some people follow the “Path of the Heart” their whole life. And that is a very difficult path because you have to feel all the pain and all the wounds deep in your heart. You have to go through pain and loneliness and through suffering to reach finally your deepest self. The really and the only “You”. It is like working the whole day on the land under the burning sun. And the reward, the payment by the landowner, is reaching the door to the “Spiritual Word”, the “Stairways to Heaven”. The door to the “Kingdom of God”.

Some people reach that door in a relatively short time. Like the workers on the land who started at the end of the day. And others are looking for their deepest inner soul during their whole life. Some of them find the door relatively soon and others have to wait their whole life or several lifetimes.

It is important to understand this Parable and to remember this Parable during your voyage in your life. When you really want to follow “The Path of the Heart”. This Parable will give you the strength to go on your path and not to give up. Because walking away from the path means that you leave the land you are working on without waiting for the landowner to give you your payment. “The Doorway to Heaven”

Before you can travel in the spiritual world, you have to understand this world better. Because this world can be very dangerous. Please read this Passage in the Bible Matthew 6:24:


In the spiritual world, there are two important regions. The Kingdom of Heaven where the love rules and the empire of Lucifer where the hate rules. The Bible does not speak much about Lucifer. A few words about Lucifer are written in the Bible Passage Isaiah 14:12 :


The Orthodox Jewish Bible(OJB) speaks about Lucifer, fallen from heaven ( Shomayim) which refers to the original powers of Lucifer from an Angel (Isaiah 14:12).


In different Bible Translations Lucifers is sometimes given different names like Satan in Isaiah 14:12 in the expandes bible (EB):


In many Non Biblical papers Lucifer has often been geven many different names like Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi, and Astaroth:


The name "Satan" has been used more often in the Bible than Lucifer. In general Satan tries to get power over the people by taking away their faith. Mark: 4:15


The love is visible in the spiritual world as an intense bright white light. The hate is visible as intense deep black. The totally absence of light. The empire of Lucifer is very powerful, very dangerous and everything in his empire is under control by power. It is organized like an army with a very strong hierarchy.

The elements of the Kingdom of Heaven are a bright white light, love and freedom. The elements of the empire of Lucifer is an intense darkness, hate and slavery. It is an empire of power and control, established by a very strict hierarchy of power and control.

Like you cannot serve two masters, you cannot choose for Love and Hate, you cannot choose for God (YHWH) and Lucifer. They are both each other’s opposite. You have to choose for one of them.

When you choose for Love, Hate will be your enemy. When you choose for Hate, Love will be your enemy. This is the war between Love and Hate in the spiritual world. The Demons and the Dark Angels cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The entrance of the Kingdom of Heaven is a wall (barrier) of an intense bright white light. No darkness can go through and pass that wall of light.

The empire of Lucifer is a dark world. The Dark Angels (Angels of Darkness) wear long robes of the deepest darkness. Their faces are very pale. They represent a very Strong Spiritual Authority. Because of their Strong Authority they impress people and they tend to follow them. Never trust them, because they will lead you into deeper and deeper darkness. The places of the deepest darkness are intense black without any light. You have no orientation there and you will never find your way out. That is called HELL where the most dangerous Demons exist. The Demons are under control of the Dark Angels. But the Demons are very dangerous for humans because the Demons possess a very strong destructive power. In the deepest darkness, they are totally blind but you have to be aware never come too close to them. Because they are much stronger than humans.

The Dark Angels are very intelligent and they can read your Soul and know your deepest secrets. They use your deepest secrets to mislead you and to seduce you and lead you into their World of Darkness. Never follow them. Stand your ground. They have no power over you as long you are not in their world. But when you are in their world, they will bring you to slavery and they will never let you go. Only an Angel of Love can save you then. Because the Angels of Love are stronger than the Angels of Darkness. Even when you are in HELL, you can be saved by the Angels of Love. You have to pray to them, from the deepest of your heart. Do not pray with your mind but only pray from your heart, from your deepest self.

That is why it is so important to learn to pray on earth. Because we are used to speak from our mind. But praying is different. You have to learn on earth to pray from your heart, from the only essential you, in the deepest of your heart. That is how you have to pray in the spiritual world.

When you choose on earth for Love, your choice has been made in the spiritual world. And Hate will be your enemy. You will be prosecuted by the followers of Lucifer. Because the war between Love and Hate is not only in the spiritual world but also on earth. You will be hated by many because Lucifer has many followers on earth. Stand your ground. Do not be afraid. Their Hate is their fear. They know in the deepest of their soul that you are stronger. Your Love is stronger than their Hate. Love will become your weapon. Because no shadow of darkness can resist the bright light of Love in the Spiritual world. When you believe in yourself, when you find your heart in the spiritual world and become your heart as your leader, your guide, your compass, your weapon of Love, you will become stronger and grow in strength until you are able to enter the battlefield of the war between Love and Hate.

Please read the Bible Passage Matthew 5:43-48:


This Passage speaks about Spiritual Warfare. When you love your enemies, you will destroy your enemies by the power of love because there is no weapon in spiritual warfare stronger than the power of love. Love is a weapon and can destroy evil powers. But the power of Love is a weapon that can turn against you when you use it when you are not ready for it. When you destroy evil, the empire of Lucifer will turn against you and you cannot fight the battle alone. You have to wait until you have reached the level of love that is so powerful that you will be protected by the Angels of Love who have amazing powers over Dark Angels.

When you reach the deepest of your inner world, in the deepest center of your heart, you reach the door to the spiritual world. It is possible that you will receive (find back) special powers that were hidden for you already since you were born. When you pass that door and enter the spiritual world you will find back your special powers. Be carefully. Don’t use them too soon. Because the world of evil is powerful and very dangerous.

It is possible that you receive (find back) the special power of “vision”. That you can see with your heart deep into the spiritual world. Then you can also see in the human world the human soul. When you look into somebody’s eyes (a little bit behind thee eyes, don’t look at the color or the shape) but look with your heart what you see and feel at the same time behind the person’s eyes. The you suddenly feel how sad the person is or how lonely or how happy. You can feel the love and the hate in the person’s soul. When you see these things, you can help the person by giving joy to the sad ones, friendship to the lonely ones and love to the ones whose heart is filled with hate.

When you give love to the one whose heart is filled with hate, you have to be very carefully. Very often these people are already so much under the influence of the empire of Lucifer that they are almost unreachable and when you reach them, you risk a spiritual battlefield with the evil empire of Lucifer. You are not ready for the war yet. The war between love and hate. When you are ready, you will be invited to join the army of love. Please read the Bible Passage Matthew 12:28 (NIV):


It is possible that when you look into somebody’s eyes (look behind the eyes), you will suddenly look into the eyes of somebody else. You will look into the eyes of an unknown being totally filled with an intense hate. Then you look into the eyes of somebody who has been possessed. Or by a demon or a spirit from the empire of Lucifer.

Then you have come to a very dangerous area. This is the area of Exorcism. Exorcism is to expel demons by the power of love. When you look into somebody’s eyes and you look suddenly into the eyes of a demon, you can capture the demon by still looking into his eyes through your heart. As long as you look into the demon’s soul he cannot escape and the demon tries to force you to look away so he can hide again and escape. The deeper you look, the more you become aware of his most terrible awful soul and you will feel the strong tendency to look away. The longer you look into the demon’s eyes the more you will know about him. You have to look into his eyes while you feel the love flowing into his soul like light shines into the darkness and the darkness cannot hide anymore. When you keep loving the demon, he cannot look away anymore and he is captured while his secrets are revealed to you. Then the war between hate and love starts.

That war feels terrible and very dangerous and is very dangerous. Because now it has become the battle between your soul and his soul. Permanent damage of your soul can be the result of this battle. When you keep looking and keep loving something that is so disgusting then finally his name will be revealed to you. When you speak out his name into the spiritual world the Demon will be expelled and has to leave the person. But before you can call him by his name, you will feel a deep inner fear because your soul knows that now you are challenging the empire of Lucifer. And the war will start. After this battle soon the slaves of the Dark Angels will be send to you. And you will become part of the war between Love and Hate. A war, you are not ready for. Wait until you power has grown and your love has become invincible.

Please read the Bible Passage John 14:6 (Expanded Bible EXB):


Jesus speaks in this passage his most powerful words in the whole Bible. He reveals here how to enter the spiritual world. How we can find the doorway to Heaven, how we find the Kingdom of God. The secret passage hidden deep in our heart that connects our world with the spiritual world. The world we will enter when we die. The world where we came from before we were born. The world that is everlasting. When we compare this Bible text with the Bible text: John 14:6 in the J.B. Philips New Testament:


We notice a small changing in the text. Instead of the “I” in this passage has been used the better translation: the “I myself am”. Jesus is in this text not speaking about himself but about the hidden “I am”. It refers to the Jewish name of God “YHWH” (I am who I am).

The ”I am” is flexible. Many people exist from their intellectual part, that exist somewhere in their brains. You use that intellectual part “I am” when you speak about what you think. Like ”I” think that you are doing that wrong. “I” do not agree with you, you see that totally wrong. “I” think this is a great idea.

Other people exist from their desires. “I” want to be rich. “I“ want to be strong. “I” really like chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.

Other people exist in their fears. “I” am so afraid that I fail. I am really afraid that nobody will love me. “I” am afraid that that boy or that girl does not like me.

But the “I am” Jesus is speaking about is a very different “I am”. It is the “I am” that you can only hear in the deepest silence of the spiritual world. It is the “I am” you feel when somebody you love, betrays you. That pain in your heart that feels like a bleeding wound. The “I am” we very often do not want to feel. Because we don’t want to feel the pain of our bleeding soul. We do not want to hear how our soul is crying in the darkest hour of the night. We run away and try to escape in alcohol and drugs. In hard working. In parties. In talking so much that we kill the silence of the spiritual world completely.

It takes courage to enter that sacred place. The “HOLY I AM”. That part in the deepest hidden place of your heart. That “HOLY ONLY YOU” that already has been there for so long. The one you were before you were born. The one you will be after you die. The “TRUE ONLY YOU”.

There in the deepest place of your heart you will find the “TRUE ONLY YOU” in the doorway that connects this world with the spiritual world. The doorWAY through which the LOVE from the spiritual world flows through you heart into this world. THE LOVE that is the most powerful weapon in spiritual warfare.

When you find the ”ONE ONLY HOLY I AM” you will find the TRUTH who you really are. You will find TRUE life. Because the spiritual world is the place where we really do exist. And you will understand the Words of Jesus:

John 14:6 (New International Version (NIV))

6 Jesus answered, “I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me.

“Coming to the Father” means “Coming Home”. Because the Spiritual World feels very much like home. The place where we have always been and where we will always be.

Jesus says that “The only door to the Spiritual World is the door through your Heart”. There are many other possibilities. You can enter the spiritual world by certain drugs or by special herbs from voodoo cultures. By spells and black magic. But all these doors will lead you into the dangerous world of Lucifer from which no one can escape. That is the dark world of evil. But the ”Kingdom of Heaven” is the world where the LOVE rules and you can only enter that world by the love in your heart.


To understand the weapons of the enemy, you first have to understand the goal of the enemy.

The goal of the enemy is: That the Empire of Lucifer takes over our World to bring Mankind to Slavery.

You will ask: How does the Enemy take over our World?

When a hostile country wants to take over another country, they will possess the most important places in that country like the radio- and television stations and the newspapers. The Government and the Army.

The Evil World of Darkness will take over our World by taking over the most important people in the World like Political Leaders, Military leaders, Executives in the Financial World, the World of News and the Secret Agencies,

You will ask: How does the Enemy take over a person?

That is the first lesson in Military Strategy in Spiritual Warfare. You take over a Person by taking over his Heart (his Spiritual Heart). Because “The Spiritual Heart” is what we really are. Our Essential Existence. Our Soul who lasts already for millions and millions of years. The DOORWAY to HEAVEN and the DOORWAY to HELL.

Our Spiritual Heart is in the Spiritual World a very complex doorway to the Spiritual World with many Layers of Protection and many doorways to many different structures and layer sin the Spiritual World.  Who controls the Heart, controls the person.

Our heart is an invincible place because in our spiritual heart, our deepest self, our only existence, our true being in eternity of time we, are invincible for darkness because we are protected by the shield of love that is visible in the spiritual world as an immense bright white light surrounding our Soul. No darkness can pass that boundary of light and that makes us invincible as long as we are in our heart, safe and protected for evil attacks.

All the weapons of the evil word are chosen to drive us out from our safe position deep in our heart, our truly self, our spiritual heart. Because then we are vulnerable and the evil can take over our place in our heart and controls us from the spiritual world. And turn us into soldiers of hate. The warriors of darkness. Their Army of Evil. 

The weapons of the evil world of darkness are based on throwing us out of our heart so that our Spiritual Control Center can be taken over by the Evil  World. There are ten major categories of weapons in Spiritual Warfare.

1). Throwing the person out of his heart into his MIND.
2). Throwing the person out of his heart into his FEAR.
3). Throwing the person out of his heart into his DOUBT.
4). Throwing the person out of his heart into his DESIRE.
5). Throwing the person out of his heart by changing his HEART into an unlivable place.
6). Darkness as a weapon
7). Fear as a weapon
8). The Debate as a weapon
9). Distraction as a weapon
10). Illusion as a weapon

1). Throwing the person out of his heart into his MIND.

That is a special weapon of the Angels of Darkness. They are highly intelligent. Far more intelligent than human beings. The Angels of Darkness can tell the perfect lie and no human being is able to see the lie because the mind is blind in the spiritual world and sees no danger. Only the heart has the gift to see deep into the spiritual world.

Very often the Angels of Darkness don’t even tell the lie but they create only the circumstances so that their victim discovers their lie and believes that it is his own brilliant invention. Like some races or believes or sexual preferences are better than other. And that it is the will of a higher being in the spiritual world like God, Allah or YHWH to kill all the lower species. That is the lie that has been put into the mind of Adolf Hitler to create the evil Holocaust. The lie that has been put into the mind of some religions to kill Homosexuals and Transgenders.

The evil lie of the world of darkness that some people are better than other people. That is the lie that has been has been put into the mind of a person like Anders Behring Breivik.

When you have learned to open your inner Spiritual Heart,  you will be able to see the difference between the two photos of Anders Behring Breivik. The first photo is taken before he became possessed. When you look into his eyes (just a little behind) and you open your Spiritual heart, you make Soul Connection. When you look at the first photo below, you see a person with a strong will, intellectual, somebody who knows what he wants and knows better than anybody else and will not listen to other people. But no evil and no hate. 

When you look into the eyes of Anders Breivik at the  photo below, you see that his eyes have changed. There is a strange, not human dangerous world that has come over him. That is the world of the possessor.

When the person jumps from his Spiritual Heart into his Mind, the Spiritual Heart is unprotected and can be easily taken over by a dark spirit. Such a person is possessed. And the only way to free that person from the dark spirit is exorcism. Exorcism is part of Spiritual Warfare. Do not start with this until you are a trained and experienced soldier.

A more powerful example of possession is the man Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. The man behind Islamic State (IS) When you have opened your inner Spiritual Heart, you are able to see his inner world, when you look deep into his eyes on the photo (just a little behind) while you open your Spiritual Heart and you will connect with his inner world. That is Soul Connection: 

You will feel that your inner Spiritual heart is getting ice cold and it will feel like you are looking into a strange deep dark dangerous evil world where the hate rules. That is the world of the possessor. The evil Spirit that has taken over Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s 
Spiritual Heart and turns him into a slave of the evil world of Luicfer.

In June 2014 I have posted a poem about Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi:

The mind cannot see when somebody is possessed or not. You can only see that from the heart. When a trained Spiritual Soldier of Love looks just a little bit behind the eyes of the victim he can feel a very ice cold unusual dark energy that does not belong to the person. Then he knows immediately that hat h person is possessed and he is alert that a spiritual war can start any moment where the Spiritual Heart is the battlefield.

These Spiritual Fights are very dangerous for the one who performs the exorcism. Because when he loses the battle, the Spiritual Heart of the performer of Exorcism can be terribly wounded and through the open wounds and the ripped open spiritual web around his heart, the evil can easily enter and take over his Spiritual Heart. In these spiritual battles, you do not fight for your life but you fight for your soul, for your own eternity.

Before he was taken over by evil, Anders Breivik was a nice gentle person. And in fact, he himself still is. Because humans do not kill, do not shoot down young people. But the Evil World of Darkness, the Angels of Darkness, the Demons, the Dark Spirits, the Witches and many other creature of the dark world, they like it to kill and to destroy and to burn people alive. And they used Anders Breivik to kill because they controlled his heart while he was somewhere out there in his mind, totally blind for reality, and told himself that he was a genius.
2). Throwing the person out of his heart into his FEAR.
3). Throwing the person out of his heart into his DOUBT.
4). Throwing the person out of his heart into his DESIRE.

5). Throwing the person out of his heart by changing his HEART into an unlivable place.

This is a favorite way of Spiritual Warfare by the dark world of Lucifer. 

Causing somebody so much pain in his heart that he will not be able anymore to stay in his Spiritual Heart and he will escape to outer regions like addiction in drugs and alcohol, addiction in work, addiction in intellectualism, escaping into a deep hate, becoming numb and don’t feel anything anymore.

Then the heart of the victim becomes available for possession and the evil world can take over his heart and turn him into a terrorist, a slave of the world of darkness. Bombing the houses in Syria and killing women and children causes so much pain in the hearts of the survivors that the hearts of the survivors become an unlivable place and the victims escape to regions outside far from their hearts. For that reason bombing and military violence is contra productive and causes the creation of more and more terrorists, the soldiers of evil. And the dark world takes over our world.
6). Darkness
7). Fear
8). The Debate. The evil world of darkness is very strong and powerful in the debate. A good illustration is the discussion between Jesus and the Pharisees in the Bible.

Never go into debate with those who are the followers of the evil world of darkness. The shadows of darkness will always win. Because the mind is the territory of the world of Lucifer, the Angels of Darkness. Their arguments will be better, more intellectual, more distractive and more aggressive than yours. And if they lose the debate and start to lose territory and control, they will punish you with all their evil powers. They will kill you under the evil arguments of punishment for blasphemy. They will stone you, crucify you, hang you, shoot and behead you in the name of the false prophets. They will abuse and they will rape the holy names of YHWH, God, Allah   and they will hide themselves under the evil masks of justice. They are like snakes, evil serpents, who hide under the shadows of the rocks and attack you from places where you cannot see them, cannot attack them, cannot follow them.

Fight with them the spiritual war. Be like a spiritual warrior. Fight from places where they cannot attack you, kill you and destroy you. Use your most powerful weapon, the heart.

Because when you win their heart, you win the war and you will possess them completely. You will possess them more than your servant, more than your prisoner, more than your slave. When you possess their heart, they are willing to give everything to you, even their life. Possess their heart and you possess them.

When you own the spiritual power of love, you simply look into somebody’s eyes and open your heart. When your heart opens, your love will flow deep into the heart of your enemy. The possessed heart. Possessed by the real enemy. And the darkness will have no place anymore to hide. The darkness becomes like the snake in the bright sunlight, completely visible and vulnerable to the world. The darkness has no other option anymore then to escape out of the heart of your enemy. And your enemy will feel his heart becoming warm and light. And your enemy will love you. And he will give himself to you in completely freedom. This is how you fight the evil world of shadows with the power of your invincible love.

6). Darkness

7). Fear

Fear is a powerful weapon of the dark world in Spiritual Warfare. You choose one person and give him a terrible punishment. That brings Fear into the world. And fear weakens your Spiritual Heart. While you are driven out of your Spiritual Heart by fear, Evil can easily enter your Spiritual Heart and take over control. This is very well presented in the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” when Jesus, completely innocent, has been beaten by lashing while the Pharisees and the people are watching.

Very well represented is the coloring of the deep dark red, representing the Hate of the Evil world and the well-dressed Slaves of Darkness, who have completely left their Spiritual Heart and have put their doorway to the Spiritual World wide open for the evil world of darkness.

Because the evil world of darkness is very real and does really exist. And the evil world of darkness is already taking over our world with mighty power.

8). The Debate.

The evil world of darkness is very strong and powerful in the debate. A good illustration is the discussion between Jesus and the Pharisees in the Bible.

Never go into debate with those who are the followers of the evil world of darkness. The shadows of darkness will always win. Because the mind is the territory of the world of Lucifer, the Angels of Darkness. Their arguments will be better, more intellectual, more distractive and more aggressive than yours. And if they lose the debate and start to lose territory and control, they will punish you with all their evil powers. They will kill you under the evil arguments of punishment for blasphemy. They will stone you, crucify you, hang you, shoot and behead you in the name of the false prophets. They will abuse and they will rape the holy names of YHWH, God, Allah   and they will hide themselves under the evil masks of justice. They are like snakes, evil serpents, who hide under the shadows of the rocks and attack you from places where you cannot see them, cannot attack them, cannot follow them.

Fight with them the spiritual war. Be like a spiritual warrior. Fight from places where they cannot attack you, kill you and destroy you. Use your most powerful weapon, the heart.

Because when you win their heart, you win the war and you will possess them completely. You will possess them more than your servant, more than your prisoner, more than your slave. When you possess their heart, they are willing to give everything to you, even their life. Possess their heart and you possess them.

When you own the spiritual power of love, you simply look into somebody’s eyes and open your heart. When your heart opens, your love will flow deep into the heart of your enemy. The possessed heart. Possessed by the real enemy. And the darkness will have no place anymore to hide. The darkness becomes like the snake in the bright sunlight, completely visible and vulnerable to the world. The darkness has no other option anymore then to escape out of the heart of your enemy. And your enemy will feel his heart becoming warm and light. And your enemy will love you. And he will give himself to you in completely freedom. This is how you fight the evil world of shadows with the power of your invincible love.

9). Distraction
10). Illusion